Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sarrazin Roils Germany but we Cannot Wish Away Islamic Terrorism

One man, who reminds me of Hitler in this photo, has Germany roiling again!

His thesis: Muslim immigrants in Germany are socially, culturally and intellectually inferior to most everyone else.

I don't like castigating any ethnic or religious group, because all of them have their follies and foibles.

And I think we are all human.

But some of Mr Sarrazin's conclusions seem so normal, and the opposition to him seems so politically correct. Why

Because the world is getting tired of Islamic terrorists and their fanatical view that if you are not Islamic you deserve the most brutal form of death. Not that Christianity was different in that sense; but they have come a long way from that position -- through the marginalisation of the Church in political matters and through the spread of more inclusive thinking in the Western world.
More insidious, the world is getting tired of being politically correct and want to call a spade a spade.

The problem I think is not with Islam, or Christianity; any religion where the priests are allowed a say in political power will deteriorate to what Islam is today. Simply because power corrupts.

The problem with Islam is it is being by ignorant Mullahs, who have neither education nor wisdom. They try to apply their tribal rules -- having had no chance to see a broader world or the wisdom and intelligence to appreciate other points of view -- to the modern world.

The fast-paced changes affecting today's global village and the deep philosophical issues that hover over human development and survival (a quick example is global warming) just go over their heads. And they think applying middle century Arab tribal rules can solve all problems.

Lack of education in the Islamic countries and use of religion by the ruling elite in those countries to cling to power accentuate this situation and give more power to the Mullahs.

So what is the solution?

Political elite in Islamic countries are playing a double game -- using the Mullahs to retain power and giving lip service to modern ways of life to make money through global trade.

If the rest of the world wants to clean itself of the scourge that is fanatical Islam, the way is to clamp down on the cash flow to the political elite in the Islamic countries. That way, I think, they will be forced to heed the demands of the civilized world; after all they don't want to let the Mullahs have the power.

That needs arm twisting but it's a small price to pay for ridding the world of these ignorant savages and their handlers.

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