Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Time to tell our leaders: Act now or get out!

The terror seems not yet over - not even a temporary respite is in sight. Today police defused around 15 live bombs in Surat. Yes, the killers are at large and audacious enough to go around and plant some dozen more bombs in public places. This is something India has never seen before. Earlier, there was at least a few months' lull after a serial bomb blast before the killers struck again.
What we see here is a total failure of the police and intelligence machinery. Not only have they been able to nab the terrorists, they have not even been able to bring enough pressure on them to make them lie low. It just shows all their claims of arresting the perpatrators of all those earlier terror strikes was pure gas.
The Union government is blaming state police and states are blaming the Centre. In all this din what is forgotten is our police and intelligence machinery have failed completely, and have left the Indian society helpless victims of terror. Are we paying taxes just for our politicians to move around in armoured vehicles with commando escort and for our police officers to pick up and harass law-abiding common citizens whose only crime is that they lack political connections?
We have been abandoned by our rulers and our police, the very people whom we pay to help keep this a law-abiding and secure society.
It is time to tell these busybodies to go nab the terrorists or up and leave. Indian people can and will manage such threats. But we do not need such parasites eating our money and not being able to capture a bunch of terrorists who have killed over a hundred people and are still terrorising us.
Stop the politicking, stop the religious appeasement. Act now, or get out!

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